depot/Tools/Dir1/.//MyPerforceSpecName/Tools/Dir1/. depot/dev/Dir4/.//MyPerforceSpecName/dev/Dir4/. My client spec setup in perforce looks something like: I then get a second prompt which is to open a project, here is what I am not sure what to choose? and am unable to choose anything that would make sense for my setup. SlickEdit first prompts me with the Perforce Workspace connection dialog, which is fine and I am able to select the perforce client/workspace I work in. I Enable SCC Providers and select "Perforce SCM". I do have the SCC provider from perforce and it is setup and working just fine in Visual Studio 2008. I am not sure if it is my client spec that is the problem or something obvious I am missing.

I have read the docs and searched the forum, but have not found what I am in need of.In short, I am not able to get a "perforce project" open in visual Slickedit to be able to work with our version control system. I am using Visual Slickedit version 13.0.2 and am having problems hooking Perforce into it.